Friday, March 28, 2008


A few reminders, especially for some of you who may have missed classes this past week:
(1) One person has not turned in Essay II, which was due this past Tuesday. And a couple of you have yet to turn in Journal #4, which was due yesterday (Thurs. 3/27). Also, I handed back essay II and journal #3.
(2) You need to give some thought to your paper topic. Remember, I want a brief (paragraph) description of what you plan to do by Tuesday, April 8th, our first class after the break. You are welcome to email me your proposal over the break. I will check my email a couple times over the break.
(3) Continue reading Between Cross and Crescent. I plan to finish commenting on that within roughly two weeks after we come back, so we can move on to Dyson's book. And for the sake of your paper (i.e., to possibly get some ideas about a topic), you might want to look ahead in the reading.
(4) When I get a chance, I may post some lecture notes over the break on Chapters 3 & 4 in Between Cross and Crescent so as not to get too far behind.

Have a good break. See you in a week and a half.

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