Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Commentary on the Autobiography

Given that I did not make as much progress as I hoped yesterday, I am going to post some of my commentary on the Autobiography on the blog so that I don't get too far behind. I may also add to this before our next class. REMEMBER TO INCORPORATE THIS IN YOUR NOTES.

We left off yesterday in Chapter 13 talking about Malcolm X's proposal to Sister Betty and his rather dim view of Hollywood romanticism. In this context --

E. Malcolm makes an interesting comment about the Western "love" concept being basically lust, which he believes may contribute to divorce later on. In contrast, he suggests that Islam has a healthier view. He says, "You see, Islam is the only religion that gives both husband and wife a true understanding of what love transcends the physical. Love is disposition, behavior, attitude, thoughts, likes, dislikes -- these things make a beautiful woman, a beautiful wife. This is the beauty that never fades. You find in your Western civilization that when a man's wife's physical beauty fails, she loses her attraction. But Islam teaches us to look into the woman, and teachers her to look into us." (p. 237)

F. He then recounts a Black Muslim response to an incident of police brutality (pp. 237-239) in Harlem, which gave them increased visibility and credibility. It also revealed the power Malcolm seemed to have over his followers, which the police were in awe of. (The way he tells this story is much less dramatic than it actually was.)

Chapter 14: Black Muslims

A. He opens by giving some background on the nation-wide TV program, the Mike Wallace Show, "The Hate That Hate Produced." Around the same time he also started the NOI newspaper, "Muhammad Speaks."

1. Notes the shock effect of the TV program -- that these Black Muslims had the audacity to preach hatred of whites. He comments that it focused on "shocker images." The reaction to it by the national press was "over the top" too. (see pp. 242-243)

2. Americans seemed much more obsessed with the "hate" point than Europeans.

3. Opens floodgates of criticism to which Malcolm responded in an increasingly more determined fashion. For example, Malcolm says, "For the white man to ask the black man if he hates him is just like the rapist asking the raped, or the wolf asking the sheep, 'Do you hate me?' The white man is in no moral position to accuse anyone else of hate!" (p. 245)

4. Malcolm was especially infuriated by other Negro leaders attacking the Nation of Islam. It is in this context that he makes the distinction between "house" and "field" Negroes during the days of slavery. Malcolm sympathized with the field Negro; these critics (or "Uncle Toms," as he called them) were the house Negroes. (see p. 243)

B. He always tried to interject some HISTORY, but reporters resisted this. Notes also how his words would get twisted. SEE ALL OF PAGE 247, especially the middle of that page.

1. In this context, he notes how frequently he felt he had to explain the difference between SEPARATION and SEGREGATION. He insisted that the NOI was not advocating some sort of REVERSE SEGREGATION. See bottom paragraph, p. 250-top p. 251.

2. He was also frequently accused of inciting violence.

C. He expresses some further admiration for Elijah Muhammad. Presents a typical speech by Mr. Muhammmad (pp. 258-261)

D. Around this time, Malcolm's phone was tapped and he was being watched. Black agents were sent to infiltrate the NOI, and some were converted in the process.

E. Notes the Black Muslims' success in curing drug addiction (pp. 264-265), which was based on sound psychological principles. Malcolm even suggests that perhaps the government should subsidize their efforts (sort of like Pres. Bush's "faith-based initiative").

F. In general, the NOI was flourishing as of 1961, due in no small part to Malcolm X's efforts.


That brings us up to Chapter 15: Icarus. I may blog some more commentary, if I get a chance, before next Tuesday's class.

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